There are many reasons why clients book a past life regression session. Some want to know if they’ve shared the same past lives with the current people in their lives, some seek guidance from their unconscious mind or higher self for decisions they’re planning to make and some are just plain curious if they’ve had a past life or who they were in a past life. In addition to that, I believe, is ultimately the reason for availing these sessions is for healing – to be able to move forward with their lives without the baggage brought about their past lives.

On our road to reconnecting with our inner selves, we need to make sure that we stay purposeful and don’t stray away from our intention, so here’s a list of what I recommend to my clients to assist in preparing them for an effective past life regression session.


1. Prepare a List of Questions and Concerns

You will want to prepare a list of questions and concerns.
Also put these questions and concerns in order of importance to you as we may not be able to address them all. I have had many clients bring a single question or issue of concern to the session, and some who bring dozens. It really does not matter how many you come up with, only that you put them in order of importance.


What kind of questions?
The general rule is to ask personal questions or keep topics related to your personal life. Here are a few examples.
I have had asthma since birth. Why? Can it be healed?
I am in a new love relationship. Is this person the right one for me?
I really dislike my job and would like to quit and find a new one. Should I?
I have a difficult relationship with my sister. Why is this so and can it be resolved?
Many years ago I had something strange happen to me. (This could be a dream, vision, feeling, or experience) What exactly happened, and why?
I have a lifelong interest in (name ANY subject) can we explore this in depth?


As your facilitator I have my own prepared list of “standard” questions I can ask if you are focused upon only one or two issues, so don’t worry if you have a short list.


2. Avoid Alcohol or Caffeine

Don’t drink alcoholic or caffeinated beverages before the session, or even, the evening before, if possible. If you are a regular morning coffee drinker, please don’t skip your coffee, but go easy and keep it to a minimum before your session. Hydration is super important and also allows for you to go into trance easily so please drink water beforehand. I will have water for you to drink at the session but please feel free to bring along a bottle of water with you if you prefer.


Light exercise prior to your appointment, like a long walk, is an excellent way to prepare for a successful session. This is another good time to repeat your intention. We want your body relaxed, but your mind quiet and alert and engaged.


3. Clear Your Day

As much as possible, clear your day for the session. We begin by talking, going over the process and your questions. Then you get comfortable and relaxed and we begin the actual hypnotic “regression.” After the session, I recommend drinking water, having something to eat to ground yourself and be kind to yourself for the rest of the day.


4. Practice Meditation or Listen to Hypnotherapy Recordings

Listen to hypnotherapy recordings or meditate. Practice makes perfect so I would encourage you to meditate even for a few minutes each day before the session or listen to a hypnotherapy recording, even better if it’s one of my hypnotherapy recordings so you understand what the process is like, how trance feels and of course to get used to my “sexy hypno voice.” 😉 Here is a Confidence Boosted Guided Meditation I have recorded which is available on YouTube – Click Here.


Sessions may last from 2 – 4 hours depending on which session you have chosen to purchase and also how much your unconscious mind would like to share about your past life and also the answers to your questions.


5. Trust the Process

Above all else, the key to a successful session is to trust that the process is for your ultimate good. Keep in mind the intent of why you booked a session. You are there for your healing, to be the best YOU you can be. I am more than happy to guide you through the process so we can both have an amazing session.


Taking the time to prepare for your past life regression session ensures a meaningful experience and helps you get the most out of the journey. If you’re ready to explore your past lives, clear old energies, and gain deep insights into your personal growth, I’m here to guide you every step of the way.


Ready to begin?
Book your session now. 

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