Let’s start debunking hypnotherapy myths and after seeing the way Hypnotherapy is often misconstrued by media, I thought it was a good time to address it with a blog post so let’s start

So, is hypnotherapy dangerous?

Hypnotherapy, at its core, is a safe and well-established form of complementary therapy. It involves inducing a trance-like state, also known as hypnosis, to enhance focus and concentration, allowing the participant to be more open to therapeutic suggestions. Now one thing that is important to remember is that hypnosis is a “do with” process and what I mean by that, is that during the whole time the participant is in complete control. This means that the hypnotic state they are experiencing is not a loss of control, it’s a heightened state of awareness where the individual is fully in control and able to terminate the session at any time. This means that the hypnotherapist can’t make you dance like a chicken or bark like a dog unless you decide to do it.

One of the main concerns that people express is the fear of being manipulated or coerced while under hypnosis. Let’s just dispel this myth now. Ethical hypnotherapy practices strictly adhere to principles of informed consent and respect for the individual’s autonomy. A skilled hypnotherapist acts as a guide, facilitating a collaborative process that empowers the individual rather than diminishing their control – as mentioned above – it’s a “do with” process between the hypnotherapist and the participant.

Another misconception is that hypnosis can unearth repressed memories and lead to false recollections. Reputable hypnotherapists are trained to avoid suggestive questioning and to guide clients responsibly. The focus is on addressing present concerns and helping individuals achieve their therapeutic goals rather than delving into the murky waters of past traumas.

Research supports the safety and efficacy of hypnotherapy across various applications. It has been endorsed by reputable organisations such as the American Psychological Association (APA), the British Psychological Society (BPS) and the Australian Hypnotherapists Association (AHA) for its role in pain management, reducing anxiety, and aiding in behavioural changes such as smoking cessation and weight loss. Having this reputable organisations supporting hypnotherapy should be evidence enough with Debunking Hypnotherapy Myths but let’s continue.

While hypnotherapy is generally safe, it’s essential to seek the services of a qualified and certified professional. I’m also going to add here – someone that you align with and feel comfortable to work with. Being able to trust, understand and get along with your practitioner is so important no matter what modality you are working with. So, if your intuition says no or it doesn’t feel right – listen to yourself. Individuals with certain psychological conditions or those prone to dissociation should consult with their healthcare provider before undergoing hypnotherapy.

In conclusion, when hypnosis is conducted by a qualified and ethical professional – it is a safe, evidence-based approach to addressing various concerns. As with any form of therapy, the key lies in practicing responsibly and staying informed, allowing individuals to fully harness the positive and transformative benefits of hypnotherapy.

Ready to Transform? Book Your Session with Me!

Ready to experience the positive transformations that hypnotherapy can offer?
Book your session with Kylie, a certified and experienced hypnotherapist. Take the first step toward your well-being journey and discover the empowering possibilities of hypnotherapy. Book Now

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